Mutation's 1st Birthday B2G1 Free Sale & More

So, we just had our 1st Birthday last week (August 14th) and of course I'm way behind on blog posts, but here you go. Regardless, I'll try to keep it brief...

When I "flipped the switch" and opened the store up last year, I really didn't know what to expect. Of course, my good friends placed orders right away to support me. It took a long time after that... several weeks, before I made my first 'real' sale (not to disrespect my friends). Since then, things have grown and I'm hopeful for where we're headed!

Thank you for your business! Seriously, some of you have placed many orders with us now. I take that as a huge compliment because I can't imagine someone placing orders somewhere that constantly screwed up!

That said, there's a lot of room for improvement. I am not satisfied with some aspects of Pre-Orders. I won't tell you my whole sob story, but FOC/Release Dates changing is becoming a source of frustration for me. I want to make it the best experience possible for my customers and I feel like more can be done.

I've been working on improvements to my back-end software in an effort to catch changes in my distributors data files, but some are slipping through. In some cases, the date changes don't show up in these data files until weeks later.

For the time being I'm trying to send notes/emails out to people letting them know, but I believe I can do better. 

Thank you for your patience thus far, I hope to have these improvements working soon.

We've got a lot planned for our second year. For the local NJ/Philly folks: we're booked almost monthly from December through June at various shows, comic cons and markets.

Some are confirmed, some aren't yet. So, the first one I can announce for certain is the Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market 'Wreck the Halls' December 13-15 at the Cure Auto Insurance Arena in Trenton, NJ. We're going to be there the 14th & 15th all day! Please come say hello! 

In the meantime, we're having a B2G1 Free Sale on all Backstock Issues. These are brand new, unread comics, bagged & boarded that are more than 5 weeks old. There are variant covers included in this sale too.

The Sale will run for the next 3 weeks until Friday September 13, 2024, at 11:59PM. No Code needed and No Limit! Just load up your cart and save!

Oh yeah this was supposed to be brief, wasn't it? 

Thanks again, it is truly appreciated.


PS - Shout out to my oldest for their work on the Mutation Birthday Cake. Love it!

Mutation's 1st Birthday B2G1 Free Sale & More