Mentally Unpacking Our First Show

I have a medium-sized temple constructed entirely out of long and short boxes in the office right now. So obviously unpacking them is a lot less appealing than unpacking my brain while sitting on the couch.

If you're reading this and have no idea what I'm talking about, we had a table at the Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market in Trenton, NJ yesterday (April 6, 2024). This was our first time selling in "Pop-up" mode anywhere (other than a yard sale a couple of years ago). I'll spare you the suspense and say that the experience exceeded my expectations in every possible way.

I have to thank everyone on the Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market crew. Every person we interacted with was so kind and made us feel welcome. The whole operation was run with maximum efficiency, without feeling like you were caught up in some soulless machine. I can't say enough nice things about this event and organization. I plan to be back in the Fall, and I'll definitely do two days. I would probably even do two tables next time (don't hold me to that)!

I also have to give a huge, Galactus-sized Thank You to my dear friend and Brother-in-law, Buddy. He was my right hand through the whole experience, loading/unloading and coming up with solutions to problems when my brain was full. Thank you, sir!

My kids were a huge help too. Sitting around the table with my kids, putting the swag bags together will be a memory I'll never forget. The same goes for sharing the day with them. If you came by the table, my little one probably handed you a sticker!

Of course, my wife's patience is unmatched. She not only tolerated the state our home was in, but she also got me through those moments when the self-doubt became insurmountable alone. Thanks Honey! <3


A few thoughts about the day:

The Work

First of all, it was tough effing work. 24-36 hours before the show I was consumed with doubts and wondering if I had made an enormous mistake. You folks out there who have been doing this week after week, month after month, year after year are absolute warriors. I have nothing but respect and admiration for you all, especially now that I've seen what it takes just to do one 6" table for 7 hours.

Swag Bags

I brought 100 copies of the new Planet of the Apes promo comic from Marvel, bagged up with a Mutation sticker, a Mutation temporary tattoo and a flyer with an exclusive promo code for the web store. 

Handing out a free comic to passersby was very entertaining. It's funny how skeptical people are when you tell them they can have something for free. Then you see their face change to a smile when they realize you actually mean it.

Some of those people hung around and checked out the shop, some didn't. Either way it was a great feeling making someone smile for a moment.

Who knows, maybe they'll find a new (or forgotten) love for the medium!

Comics in General

It was awesome seeing so many younger folks digging through the back issue bins, excited about new comic series and just being interested in comics at all. As I wasn't sure what to expect, I only brought a small portion of my $2 books. I will definitely be loading up more $2 bins for future shows!

I also sold a decent amount of the Kids Comics and graphic novels I brought with me. A lot of people (who were roughly my age) were pleasantly surprised such a thing even existed. Lots of them ended up buying gifts for the kids in their lives. Another moment of encouragement for comics!

The Shape of Punk to Come

I grew up playing in punk and hardcore bands. D.I.Y. is engrained in my DNA (so to speak). It's the backbone of this store and the software that makes it go. I know it's easy to scoff at the notion of something 'Punk' being held in a Sports Arena named after an insurance company... but you'd be doing yourself a disservice to pass on this one.

There were so many talented people were around me, it made me feel a little self-conscious, like I was just some goof selling comic books. That said, I was proud to be a small part of such a celebration of independent artisans and small businesses. Definitely left feeling energized to do even better next time! 

Thanks for reading and your support!



Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market Cure Insurance Arena Trenton NJ