Happy Labor Day Weekend and BOGO

Hey folks, hope everyone is doing well out there. I've been busy over the past few weeks working on adding new stuff to the store and improving the way things work on the back end. There's still a lot more to do, but we're getting there! We're having our first BOGO 50% OFF sale over Labor Day Weekend. It goes into effect at Noon EST on 9/1 (today). Late notice, I know, but hey... you know what they say.

Store Updates

First of all, you may have noticed we added Action Figures to the store! Our selection is obviously pretty limited right now, but there's some great stuff on there. My personal favorite is the "Fat Bastard" figure from McFarlane Toys Austin Powers series. This guy had a short life on the shelves back in the day as he was quickly replaced by the more toy aisle appropriate "Fat Man". We still have some figures that haven't made it onto the store yet, so keep an eye out. We'll be looking to purchase more action figure collections in the future to boost our inventory.

I spent a fair amount of time rewriting the way Series collections are generated. This may sound fairly obvious, but it's important to me that if a customer is looking at a comic that they are able to click the Series title and get to every other book we have in that series. My first pass at this had some issues and things didn't always work as expected (404 Not Founds aplenty). Anyway, hopefully that's all good now. If you hit an issue let me know, I may even pay a bounty for any bugs you find!

As the air is starting to cool off, we are starting to make preparations for selling in person. I've got a couple of local markets in mind that I'd like to try out. The website is great, but I am really looking forward to getting out and talking to people. Believe it or not, I don't have many friends that are into comics, so I rarely get the chance to talk shop.

I'm also working on getting new items (comics, trades, cards, figures) on the store. I don't have any sort of ETA yet, but I'll post more when I do!

Stay tuned and thank you! 

Happy Labor Day Weekend and BOGO